Finally A Pure Crypto Consulting : Understanding Of Signature Campaign
After reading this crypto consulting study, I hope as a crypto project owner, you will have a better understanding about Signature Campaign, and the terminologies related to it. You will be able to determine if you are truly ready for this campaign or it will become a waste of marketing allocation for you. The best part is, I hope after publishing this article, as a crypto marketing agency owner, my life will be a little easier 🙂
Crypto Consulting: Basic Understanding of Advertising
First, think about the reason for brands to advertise on TV ads, Radio, Billboard, Printed Newspapers, Direct mail including leafletting, Magazines, podcasts etc.
In a sport event, we have sponsors. In the last FIFA World Cup 2022, sponsors were: Byju’s, Budweiser, Hisense, McDonald’s, Vivo. FIFA partners were: Adidas, Coca-Cola, Wanda Group, Hyundai, KIA, Qatar Airways, Visa, Qatar Energy.
A brand always requires visibility in front of their audience. Advertising keeps these brands in the memory of their audience all the time. It influences purchasing of products and services. All of these brands have their competition. A lower effort of advertising will become a golden opportunity to replace your brand by your competitors.
Second, think about how much these advertising cost for these brands only in the specific event? Millions of dollars!
Advertising media Magna reports, “Globally net ad revenues reached $853 billion, a 5.5% increase from the previous year.” It was published on Forbes, December 4th 2023.
Cryptocurrency Advertising
The advertising scopes are limited for crypto businesses. Many brands can not reach out to the mainstream audience because of the limited legal acceptance of cryptocurrency. On social media, restrictions applied for cryptocurrency projects. Besides, some crypto entrepreneurs are individuals, and anonymous which makes it hard to get bank loans to spend big money in advertising. Considering the circumstance, cryptocurrency forums like Bitcointalk, Altcoinstalks and many others especially, Bitcointalk is the biggest place to launch a crypto brand in front of the Crypto audience.

Online forums are virtual places for gathering of people, a community who shares value between each others. Bitcointalk forum plays the similar roll for Bitcoin and its community. When Satoshi launched the forum in 2009, the community was small, now it’s a community of over 3.5 millions of users. Monthly visit of the forum is over 1.2 millions. Click here for SimilarWeb reference.
Read Bitcointalk visitors statistics to check the traffic analysis of Bitcontalk from one of my team member.
There are many top brands who are now leader of their own industry. Here are a few brands (I will list two from each specific industries I can remember) you must heard about, if you are an entrepreneur in cryptocurrency space.
- Bitcoin Mixers: Chipmixer, Sinьаd.
- Gambling Platform: Stake, Sportsbet.io.
- Exchanges: Bybit, Kucoin.
- Wallet Software: Mixin Safe, Magnum.
- ICO/IDO: Biswap, Bullet Swap.
Overview of Basic Advertising Spaces
Since this study is about Signature campaign – let’s introduce Signature space, Avatar space and Personal text area. We will try to understand it from the image below. The screenshot was taken from a forum post in a response of a topic that was created to understand signature and review campaign.

1. Signature Space
Bitcointalk forum members use this place to advertise brands they like or asked by their campaign manager. Standard weekly reward recorded publicly so far is anything between $35 to $300.
In this example, my signature space has been hired by Stake.
2. Avatar Space
Members can upload a 120x80px size image as their own avatar or any brand they are advertising.
3. Personal Text
Members can display any text. Character limit is 40, if I am not wrong.
Overview of Rank, Posts and DT
For advanced understanding, we will also learn about forum rank, posts, DT level.

4. Forum Rank
On Bitcointalk there are 8 types of rank. Some notable ranks from lower to higher: Member, Full Member, Sr. Member, Hero Member & Legendary.
In this example, my rank is Legendary.
5. Posts
Posts are self explaining. When a member creates a forum topic or response to a topic then it is considered as a post.
In this image, my total post count is showing: 9129
6. DT Status
There are two types of DT power. DT1 and DT2. DT stands for Default Trusts. It’s related to trade feedback. A DT member enjoys many privileges that a none DT member can not even imagine.
There are many controversy surrounding this status though. But over all a DT member means the member earned a level of Trust and Reputation in the community which is admirable.
Practical Definition of Signature Campaign
Signature campaign is a cryptocurrency advertising form which helps a business to create positive brand equity, increase brand awareness, and customer confidence. In the targeted community like Bitcointalk and Altcoinstalks, Signature campaigns are placing advertising on the signature spaces of a group of forum members. A Signature campaign also can use the avatar and personal text area of the campaigners.
Unlike an Ad Network where results are calculated by impressions, the CTR to know website traffic and conversion of your sales page; a Signature campaign creates positive brand equity, increase brand awareness with a long lasting memory. Eventually the awareness increases customer confidence. Audience of the community turns into your loyal customers. They even starts recomending your product and service to others who are not a part of the community.
Benefits of a Signature Campaign
To understand the benefits of a Signature campaign we need to study some metrics. Metrics like:
- Brand Awareness vs Campaign Week
- Campaign Week vs Weekly Budget and Brand Awareness
- Weekly Budget vs Members Reputation and Customer Confidence
We will be detailed about these metrics in the later sections. It will help us to understand the benefits of a Signature campaign.
Brand Awareness VS Campaign Week
Consider a scale for brand awareness from 0 to 10. The graphe below represent the brand awareness in different week range for a standard Signature Campaign.
When a campaign has last over 2 years then it’s perfectly assumable that this brand is one of the leader in their own industry.
Campaign Week VS Weekly Budget and Brand Awareness
To receive a minimal benefit from a signature campaign, a business needs to plan their signature campaign for at least 21 to 35 weeks.
A weekly budget of $2,500 and the campaign which runs for 35 weeks is better than a weekly budget of $1,500 and the campaign which is running for around 80 weeks. Even batter, a weekly budget of $900 but the campaign is running for over 106 weeks.
Weekly Budget VS Members Reputation and Customer Confidence
Your competitors already have their signature campaigns in the community, There are members who are participating in those campaigns. Since they are pioneer than you, they already built a community for themselves and customer confidence for them is fairly good too. In your campaign what will make a difference between them and you?
Aggressive campaign budget!
With aggressive weekly budget, the campaign manager can offer better benefits to the highly reputable members. The benefit is better and your campaign will continue for longer weeks – highly reputable and influential members will not hesitate to accept the offer.
A campaign with a weekly budget of $5,000 – the manager can easily pay $150, $200, $250 or $300 per week to highly reputable and influencial members, the manager also can hire large number of members in the campaign. As a result everyone will be talking about the campaign and the business. Ultimately you are gaining customer confidence quicker than a campaign with $500 weekly budget.
But a campaign to spend $5,000 means they are going to spend huge money for the long run. Not all projects come with a luxary. A startup needs to balance its expense and return of expense. As a campaign manager, after having a clear understanding of your marketing budget, project type, business model – I can suggest the best possible campaign budget for your project.
Right now there are two campaigns on Altcoinstaks (Mixero and Tumbler) where I can pay $150 or more. We already paid $250 to a few members, but the circumstance is not profitable to spend such high amounts, not even $50 per member. As a result, instead of a $3,000 weekly budget, I worked with a $1,000 for these campaigns.
Do not go after a crazy weekly budget then in just a few weeks you find yourself ran out with marketing budget. The project will die eventually. Whirlwindmoney had a bad ending because of the same reason.
Preparations Before A Crypto Promotion
First of all you need to fix all sort of bugs from your business website, double check website functionalities, product and services fees. You will spend money to receive visitors but if visitors find the landing page is not complete then you are losing visitors at-least until they decide to check your website again.
If you are not confident then discuss with the campaign manager and consider a review campaign. This review campaign will focus on improving website functionality, features, bug fixing, and any type of suggestion from reviewers. Your goal is to make sure your website has no error and in the mean time the review campaign helps you to gain some exposure.
Once you are ready, and decided to have a Signature campaign for your business, it’s time for you to decide what weekly budget you are conformable to allocate. I always suggest my clients to have a budget which will allow the project to last the campaign longer time. Spend the marketing allocation wisely instead of biased by emotion and ecosystem trend. Your campaign manager will guide you into it.
Work with a campaign manager who is truly experienced, highly respected, have good reputation and highly trusted. The manager have to be knowledgeable, skilled and professional. We have history where a project team decided to go with an unknown member^ who claimed himself as a campaign manager. Once he received the campaign reward of 1343.7ETH, he was never seen again. Don’t make the same mistake and pick someone who has nothing to lose if they disappear. After all it’s internet space and scammers are everywhere waiting for a mistake to be offered from you.
^iamsediii, hired for ICOforum signature campaign. Stolen amount was 1343.7 ETH value was around $378,923.40 at $282 per ETH. Click here for wallet address.
The Launch of A Marketing Campaign
In this stage you should know how many members are joining in your campaign, what reward they will receive depending on the forum rank they have. A Signature campaign can have two formats. Pay per post and fixed payment. You will know which format your signature campaign has.
Once the campaign manager launch the campaign you should have access of the following pages/tools:
- Signature Campaign thread URL
- A spreadsheet (it can be private between you and the campaign manager or public for everyone to access) which will record detailed information about the progress of the signature campaign (Weekly number of posts, payment address, amount of payments and many more information).
- Weekly communication with the campaign manager to brief you update of each campaign week.
A campaign always perform good if you let the campaign manager do their job freely. As the project team, you can discuss about the results you are receiving. If you have any feedback then let the manager know, also keep the manager updated about any major changes in the business model. Other than these, you need to ensure that the weekly expenses are taken care of properly.
Complement A Signature Campaign
You have a signature campaign continuing smoothly. Every week the manager updates you about the expenses and you reload the escrow wallet. Many project owners don’t think of anything else. But there are a lot of activities you can do in the community with the help of your campaign manager. All helps to achieve your goal to increase awareness and customer confidence.
- Stay active on your official Announcement (Ann) thread. Always response to new inquiries, regularly post official updates, solve any problem from forum members, always participate in any scam accusation against your business. Stay transparent and always work to create a good relationship with the people interested in your product and service, even to those who decided to troll you (there are bad actors, try to avoid them) as much as possible.
- Stay active in social channels or group like your official Telegram group.
- Host regular lotteries, free games for community to keep your brand always in their mind.
- Offer sponsorship to community events.
- Host contests. Reward the creative and dedicated forum members.
Your manager will introduce and guide you to all these. I have a list of these side hustles, feel free to contact me. My clients have access of the document.
Crypto Marketing Agency R7 Promotions
I am happy that I have covered possible everything about a Signature campaign in this crypto consulting article. The guidence and materials came from the years of experience I have as a campaign manager who is managing a Crypto Marketing Agency.

Feedback like this from clients do not come easily. It required a lot of things to prove. Things like business reputation, experience, and professionalism. Let’s work together, I can assure you that we both will be happy with the decisions we will make together for your project and thank each others later.
Additional Benefits
I have several other businesses which are related to each others and it enables me to offer some additional benefits without any cost for my clients.
Additional FREE of cost benefits for a gambling project:
- FREE listing and review on Casino Critique.
- FREE featuring for two weeks on Casino Critique homepage.
- FREE announcement post on Casino Critique ANN thread.
- A FREE dedicated portfolio page on R7 Pomotions official website.
- Weekly once, an update posted on R7 Promotions Telegram Group with over 2k subscribers.
Additional FREE of cost benefits for a none gambling project:
- FREE listing on Royse promotion sub page. It helps your business to increase visibility with other similar projects
- A FREE dedicated portfolio page on R7 promotions official website.
- A guest post (FREE) for your project from your team, on R7 promotion official website.
- Weekly once, an update posted on R7 Promotions Telegram Group with over 2k subscribers.
If you can afford to maintain the cost of multiple campaigns then you certainly can but have the metrics in mind. Number of campaign week, weekly budget, members reputation are vital.
Scenario 1: You have two campaigns, 10 members in each campaign and weekly budget of $500 for each. Individual members are receiving $50 per week and none of them have a major reputation on the forum.
Scenario 2: You have $1,000 budget for a campaign, 10 members and each member is receiving $100 per week. The campaign can have highly influential members because reward is higher.
From both scenarios, the second scenario will bring better result.
- The campaign can on board highly reputable and influential members
- With influential members are onboard, the campaign will have better exposure. Community always trusts and follow influential members.
- The weekly budget is better and reputable members are on board means higher customer confidence.
I have a team with graphic designers, signature set designers, forum thread/topic designers – so yes, I can help you in that. In-fact most of my clients receive these basic services from me without going to anyone else.
It depends on your weekly budget. As a campaign manager after knowing your 1) business type, 2) review model and 3) weekly budget, I can work out with the numbers for the Signature campaign. Typically, in a Signature campaign there are 10 to 30 members can participate. In a large Signature campaign we can have 50 to 100 members.
Both do not have much difference but pay per post encourage influential members to join a Signature campaign without hesitating. They feel a type of freedom in pay per posts type campaigns.
I have years of reputation in the community, I have paid over half a million dollar for different campaigns I managed so far. In the first half of year 2023, my campaign management business paid over $150,000.
On the other hand, as the project owner you are still working in your ground, you have no past background which can be verified.
In this circumstance, having the funds for at-least two weeks upfront under my possession improves the confidence for the campaign participants. They know funds are in the safe hand and they will get paid for their work.
After making the weekly payment for each progressing week, you will be notified with the amount spent for the specific week. To continue the campaign for coming weeks you need to refill the spent amount. We repeat the cycle until we decide to finish the campaign. After end of the campaign, anything leftover will be send back to you.
Please read the Terms and Conditions page. Check Escrow fund section with other sections. When working with me, by default you agree with the terms given on that page.
Nothing is hack proof but we can make the life harder for a bad actor. Any fund sent to me to escrow for a campaign or even just to act as an escrow is secured in a 2 of 2 multi-sig bitcoin wallet.
You will be provided a spreadsheet (it could be private between you and me or a public spreadsheet) and in that spreadsheet all details will be recorded every week. It helps to stay transparent to each others.
There are many incidence that from search engine results when using a mixer, clients are falling victim. These are fake mixers. A legit mixer always advertise their brands to be in front of their clients. Please read this scam story.